Frequently Asked Questions
Below please find some basic answers to some of the most questions asked.
Helpline: 086 107 3289 eMail: WhatsApp support: 079 873 1821
Below please find some basic answers to some of the most questions asked.
How can I purchase Tokens?
Buy prepaid electricity/water at any time convenient to you. With multiple ways, including both offline and online. For more information on how to buy tokens, click here.
Where can I purchase PSC Tokens?
PSC Prepaid electricity/water is available at any EasyPay sales point and can also be purchased using the PSC App including debit order, EFT, Zapper and credit card.
I’ve lost my token, what do I do?
Contact the PSC Prepaid helpdesk on 086 107 3289, WhatsApp 079 873 1821 or e-mail for assistance.
Which channel is the cheapest when buying Tokens?
Save on retail transaction fees when buying direct from PSC using the PSC App. Registration is required for these purchase options. Please contact our marketing team for these requests. Helpdesk 086 107 3289, WhatsApp 079 873 1821 or e-mail
How much do you charge for a meter?
There are a number of different meters available depending on what you might need. Our staff and contractors will gladly assist you to a quotation for meters as well as installation cost.
I’ve got a granny flat, can you help me?
Yes we can help you. We will install a meter in your granny flat. Your tenant will register on our system to purchase electricity
I’ve got a house with a municipal electricity account.
You will have to purchase a meter from the municipality; we might be able to help you with our cell phone or internet system. Depending on which municipality you are at. You can contact us on our contact us page to support you with this.
I’ve got a unit in a complex and I want to install a prepaid meter for my tenants or myself.
We can help you. Our system is specifically designed to accommodate you. We will make an arrangement with the body corporate to accommodate your prepaid meter on your behalf. You will have to contact us regarding this to clear the necessary details.
My meter shows an error 30?
1. Move device to another plug.
2. Make sure all circuit breakers are off EXCEPT the plug where device is plugged in and the main circuit breaker is on.
3. Plug unit into neighbour’s plug. Don’t let power run out as a rule, buy enough electricity.
How much can I purchase at a time?
The purchasing amount limit per sms transaction is R500 incl. VAT irrespective of the credit available in the meter account. There is no limit on other purchase methods.
How do I access reports on the system?
Managing entities will be able to log in via the internet and access reports based on rights assigned by us. Individuals will not be able to view reports due to privacy legislation. Please see our website for the instructions on how to access reports.
Web address for assistance:
Business hours call centre number: 086 107 3289
Do you accepts cash deposits instead of EFT’s ?
Yes, but any cash handling fees charged by our bank will be for your account. You meter account will be debited accordingly. We strongly recommend you use EFT or ATM banking to transfer money.
Can I get my money back out of my meter account?
No. It’s your responsibility to manage the balance based on your personal preferences. If you know you will be moving out soon, do not deposit to much money into the meter account.
Electricity loading instructions?
Our system will present you with a 20 digit number. This number is typed into the electricity meter in sequence. On entering the last number the meter will either accept or reject the number.