PSC Prepaid is the ideal prepaid metering solution that benefits everyone including the installer, property owner and tenant.

Ensuring that tenants pay for their electricity and water upfront, making utility management easier, so that property owners can recoup utility costs effortlessly.
With various meter options are available depending on the specific requirements and budget of each client. Type fitted next to the electrical DB, wired split, wireless (PLC), 3 Phase and water.
PSC collect prepaid income on behalf of landlords and Bodies Corporate at municipal/Eskom tariffs. At month end all purchases are consolidated, reports are e-mailed to the owner/managing agent and the prepaid income is paid into the owner or BC account. Prepaid sub meter income is then available for payment of utility accounts.
Owner/managing agents have login and password access to real time, online reporting of all meter activity. (then give the option of getting the online statements)
If you require any information regarding our prepaid meter sales or installations, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Contact the Office – 011 979 0702 / 4 or eMail –